Mil for the Mooring
My name is Dan and this is Mogs
We live among the ducks and frogs
We need a mil for our Mooring
So cough up now and don't be boring
Or we'll send gangsters to make a fuss
And you'll be sorry You messed with us.
Ok, he needs to stick to his day job.
Our other not so fantastic idea was to have many summer parties on the island and charge for the tickets, but then we get into licencing and such and we would need to hold at least 8 parties with the nieghbours approval so all less realistic, still if you should fall over anyone itching to chuck away say 150,000 just chuck is our way and you'll benefit from us being real nice to you for the rest of your life............... (a girl can dream you know) but seriously any money raising ideas greatfully recieved.