So sent a few emails noticed the rest of the south was at home and spent the morning refining our artistic talents I'll let you be the judge, and yes its unlikly we will be looking for a career change.
Mogs lives with her bloke and four cats on an island on the Thames no that’s too posh on a boat next to an island on the Thames of which they rent a bit of land for which they need to raise £250.000 in order to secure their future and buy the land they are attached to, They have various local wild life including Huey the female duck who was rescued from certain death 2 years ago and keeps visiting them to say hi and eat the cats food. When he visits mogs and family take roast duck off the menu just in case he notices. They both have proper jobs. And are incapable of going on a holiday without ending up on the water either sailing or in Venice, if they try its usually not as good as being at home. Oh and mogs is terribly dyslexic but this has been a major asset all her life so long as sufficient people can be found to proof read BE WARNED very few of these blogs will be vetted so you should find them most amusing even if they are not meant to be.
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